Monday 25 June 2007

Marbled White Butterfly / Demi-deuil

I was eating and I looked behind me and there was a white dotted butterfly, and I ate my dinner and when I was finished I was looking at it. So Mummy took a picture for my blog. When I was finished looking at it, I had some chocolate. I had a nice day at my house, but I'm also going to go to my dance class, and I would like to go to the park this afternoon.

This is a poem:

Butterflies everywhere and touch,
When they're dead you can't unbotch,
But when they're so high up you can't touch them,
Just because you're not up.

But how would you touch them?
You can't because they're wings are so delicate but that's a storm,
And now I think all my singing is finished now,

Sunday 10 June 2007

Nigella damascena

I found a Nigella damascena in my garden, and they are quite rare in my garden, so I didn't pick it. I took a photo of it instead and put it on my blog because I thought it was a better thing. And then it wouldn't be destroyed. I never saw a Nigella but now I've seen one and I think it is beautiful. I didn't pick it because if I did there would be none in my garden and they are already very pretty. I like the purple colour, it will be always there if I didn't destroy it or pick it. I was having a good afternoon, but I was doing not really anything. We were going to go down to the mailbox but I changed my mind for some reason.

Friday 8 June 2007


This is a picture that I took, and if you get a bit close, it looks pretty, so I will keep it. It's a picture of water that has lots of things reflecting in it, and it looks like our Earth. I spent my afternoon in the park, and I just had my snack, and was taking some pictures. I was cooling my feet down in the nice water, but I couldn't bathe in it because there were too many signs saying No, and if I did the police would come and get me. I was pretending I was the willow fairy, and I was also pretending that I ate lots of coral and grass, but I usually pretended the grass was coral because it looked like coral. It looked like coral because in the sea I found some coral that is green and red, but I usually pretend with grass because it's not so smelly.

A poem about water

When the water comes to green,
It usually means that it's smelly.
And if you see anything green:
There's parks and dishes and paint that's green,
Leaves could be green also, and crowns and scoopers,
Diving in the pool.
Some are also fishing,
With a licence like a ring